natalie-portraitNatalie Haynes

Psychotherapist B.A., R.P.C, R.I.H.R.

How do you deal with your emotions?

Emotions can range from being happy to sad, joyful to angry, hurt to scared.  Some of us were taught that it is okay to feel the “good” feelings and not okay to feel the “bad” ones.  When unpleasent feelings do come up we push them back down, make ourselves busy,  or indulge in a distraction that makes us feel good again.

We may be afraid to express our emotions because they might be too strong, come out the wrong way or be too painful.  Some may be scared to be perceived as weak or vulnerable which could feel embarassing. The flip side is that we could emotionally overreact from an unconscious place.  This could result in expressing a safer emotion like anger instead of expressing our hurt and potentially negatively impact the relationships around us.

Emotions are neither “good” or “bad” they just are.  Emotions are energetic pieces of information that move through us when we let them.  Feeling scared could tell us that we need support.  Our anger could be an indication we are actually feeling hurt by someone in our life.  When we give ourselves the time and space to listen to the wisdom of our emotions, we gain awareness about who we are.

Natalie Haynes

Psychotherapist B.A., R.P.C., R.I.H.R

(905) 702-1944

Cornerstone Health Centre

6 Guelph St


Emotions can range from being happy to sad, joyful to angry, hurt to scared.  Some of us were taught that it is okay to feel the “good” feelings and not okay to feel the “bad” ones.  When unpleasent feelings do come up we push them back down, make ourselves busy,   indulge in a distraction that makes us feel good again.

We may be afraid to express our emotions because they might be too strong, come out the wrong way or be too painful.  Some may be scared to be perceived as weak or vulnerable which could feel embarassing. The flip side is that we could emotionally overeact from an unconscious place.  This could result in expressing a safer emotion like anger instead of expressing our hurt and potentially negatively impact the relationships around us.

Emotions are neither “good” or “bad” they just are.  Emotions are energetic pieces of information that move through us when we let them.  Feeling scared, could tell us that we need support.  Our anger could be an indication we are actually feeling hurt by someone in our life.  When we give ourselves the time and space to listen to the wisdom of our emotions, we gain awareness about who we are.

Natalie Haynes

Psychotherapist B.A., R.P.C., R.I.H.R

(905) 702-1944

Cornerstone Health Centre

6 Guelph St
