How do you deny your feelings?

Many of us spend a lot of time focusing on our health, our looks, our jobs and our many, many responsibilities. We can find it difficult to give ourselves time to focus on our emotions and our feelings. Some would argue, “Why would I want to feel my emotions? Why would I want to do something that I know won’t be enjoyable!” I believe that our emotional health is as important as taking care of our bodies and our minds. Our feelings are an essential part of who we are. To me, denying our emotions could be as detrimental to us as cutting off a body part.

Emotions of our old hurts and traumas stay with us, in our bodies underneath the surface. Our unexpressed feelings can create stress, anxiety, depression, low self confidence and self worth. Our unexpressed feelings can change how we live our lives in the present.

One of the first steps to acknowledging our emotions is to become aware of why we distract ourselves from feeling them. We all have our own way of denying our feelings. Some people will make themselves busy, some people will change the subject, some people will eat, and some people will go along with another even when they don’t want to. Take some time to notice how you stop yourself from feeling your uncomfortable feelings.

Natalie Haynes

Psychotherapist B.A., R.P.C., R.I.H.R.

(905) 702-1944