I have always considered boxed cereal to be a poor choice for breakfast.  Why?  Breakfast cereal is highly processed, inert, and typically loaded with sugar and additives.  And yet, the majority of our youth reach for this human kibble every morning.  Most breakfast cereals (even the “health food” versions) are low in protein, contain over 10g/sugar per serving, are laced with preservatives and colourings and contribute to carbohydrate cravings – which in turn, lead to overeating.  Even some of the “healthy” stand-bys from my youth have altered their ingredients to something less desirable.  A certain doughnut shaped cereal comes to mind.  Previously made from oats, this cereal, (while low in added sugar) is primarily corn starch and wheat.  Both of which create a glycemic spike that invariably results in a food coma about 90 minutes after consumption.

So I set out to create a better breakfast “cereal” – which was surprisingly easy and yielded delicious results.  Mix up the following and store in the freezer in a mason jar or other glass container.  This is a very filling, high fibre, protein cereal – so keep servings small (1/2 C).

1 cup organic rolled oats

1/3 to 1/2 cup dried unsweetened coconut (depends on how much you like coconut)

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup hemp hearts

2 Tbs. ground flax or chia

1 handful (each) raw almonds and walnuts (coarsely chopped)

1/4 cup organic dried fruit of your choice (cranberries, raisins, dried blueberries, gogi berry etc.)

1/4 cup mixed seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)

Mix with your milk-like beverage of choice (almond, rice, goat, cow) or a good quality yogurt (greek) or applesauce.  Top with fresh berries or banana. Serves 4.