Many of us notice that solid, undisturbed sleep becomes elusive in mid-life. After 40, most men and women start to experience interrupted sleep, restless sleep and/or frank insomnia. Why does sleep quality change is this decade for so many of us? I like to think of...
How do we get to the bottom of the complex chronic medical problems of today? In the functional medicine conference I am attending, they give shape and life to a practise model that I inherently embrace as a naturopathic doctor. Imagine a diagram of three circles (a...
A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology has determined that therapeutic use of a far-infrared sauna leads to reduced pain and stiffness that is associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In addition, the study found that the therapy was well...
We recently posted a poll asking you how many IUs of Vitamin D a child under 12 should be taking daily. Several of your guessed the correct answer (as can be seen below), which is 400 IU per day. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 can safely take 400 IU per day....
The next time that you get a mild headache, drink 8 ounces of water, without an analgesic, close your eyes, relax and take a break for about 20 minutes. You’ll start to understand the importance of drinking water when your headache goes away and you didn’t take a pain...