Confessions of a Naturopath, Vol2 no 1

Confessions of a Naturopath

The other morning I headed out to run my regular 5km route at our cottage.  A few minutes into my route, I realized I was having a lot of trouble with my breathing.  My airways felt really tight and my sinuses felt full.  I don’t have asthma, but I wondered briefly if...
Confessions of a Naturopath, Vol2 no 1

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Infrared sauna therapy is a profoundly effective method of detoxification.  Our sauna is a “medical grade” sauna.  It was produced without the use of glues or any volatile organic compounds. Your sauna therapy includes a no-charge consultation with a...
Confessions of a Naturopath, Vol2 no 1

Super Charging Your Breakfast

I have read literally thousands of my diet diaries over the years and have observed one common dietary weakness.   Even in those nutrition-conscious individuals, one meal stands out as inadequate – poor quality, low-nutrition.  That meal is almost universally...