Super Charging Your Breakfast

Super Charging Your Breakfast

I have read literally thousands of my diet diaries over the years and have observed one common dietary weakness.   Even in those nutrition-conscious individuals, one meal stands out as inadequate – poor quality, low-nutrition.  That meal...

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Super Charging Your Breakfast

The Delicate Flower of Midlife Sleep

Many of us notice that solid, undisturbed sleep becomes elusive in mid-life.  After 40, most men and women start to experience interrupted sleep, restless sleep and/or frank insomnia.  Why does sleep quality change is this decade for so...

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Super Charging Your Breakfast

Functional Naturopathy

How do we get to the bottom of the complex chronic medical problems of today?  In the functional medicine conference I am attending, they give shape and life to a practise model that I inherently embrace as a naturopathic doctor.  Imagine...

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Super Charging Your Breakfast

Leading by Example – Follow YOU to good health

Healthy living begins for many when they see healthy behaviours in others, especially people they respect, admire or look up to.  So ask yourself, are there people around you who respect, or look up to you?  Children, spouses, coworkers?...

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Super Charging Your Breakfast

Good health is contagious (pssst….pass it on!)

When you make a healthy lifestyle choice, you positively influence the health of others. For example, Refusing to eat fast food causes co-workers to follow you to a healthier lunch venue. Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup while grocery...

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Super Charging Your Breakfast

Therapy Thoughts – March 1, 2010

How do you deny your feelings? Many of us spend a lot of time focusing on our health, our looks, our jobs and our many, many responsibilities. We can find it difficult to give ourselves time to focus on our emotions and our feelings. Some...

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